Squidoo: The 1918 Flu Pandemic or Spanish Flu

Wednesday, September 7, 2011



This particular article stuck out to me because the Mayan were very intelligent people. They created things thousands of years ago that we use today. They excelled in their math and science incredibly. They even carved the theory of evolution in stone 1000 years before darwin! But not only where they "book" smart, they could also build cities we visit and live in today such as Belize, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and the five southern Mexican states. I believe that they discoverd more than we will ever know.


In this artile it asks "did slavery weaken the black family?"What they mean is did slavery cause the high rate of "single-parent" familes. According to James Q. Wilson the number of divorced familes has always been greater in African American homes. But Robert Griswold claims that the black family remained intact until the 20th century, when blacks migrated in large numbers to big cities, where the lack of jobs forced fathers "to leave their families to find work." Studies done on black familes that live in ruel areas show that twice as many live with an unwed mother than whit familes do. In my opinion, all familes have issues no matter what the race and i think we just need to be able to help and support each other through it.

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