Squidoo: The 1918 Flu Pandemic or Spanish Flu

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

women suffrage

In the United States womans rights first came in demand at the Seneca Falls Convention in 1848. After the cilvil war the demands became much stronger. A rift came amoung women because of the 15th adminment witch gave colord men the right to vote but not any women. Susan Anthony, Elizabeth Stanton and other women  did not approve of this. The women thought that if black men should get the right to vote so should women. From this two organizations emerged. Stanton and Anthony created an organization called National Woman Suffrage Association. They pressed to make changes like granting married women property. Stone formed American Woman Suffrage Association which targeted for women to get to vote for state legislation. In 1890 they came together to form National American Woman Suffrage Association. In the same year Wyoming entered the union and became the first state with general women suffrage.   

Signing of the 19th AmendmentThroughout the years, pioneer suffragists began to withdraw from the movement because of age, younger women took leadership roles.One of them was Carrie Chapman Catt, who became  president of NAWSA in 1915. Another was Alice Paul. she was forced to reside from the organization because of her aggressive tactics. She organized the National Woman's Party, which used such strategies as mass marches and hunger strikes. Eventfully because of both organizations hard work it led to victory. On August 26, 1920, the 19th Amendment granted the ballot to American women.

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